

A constant spotlight on expression

Providing unparalleled opportunities for self-expression and creativity, the Department of 美术 nurtures the “voice” within every Maumee Valley student. Our students in grades PreK-12 have many opportunities to explore their creativity in instrumental or vocal music, 视觉艺术, 和戏剧. Our courses and performance events provide an environment for students to explore new talents and to share those joys with others.

展示学生的才能, Maumee Valley produces more than a dozen events a year that bring the fine arts to MV families and the Toledo area. 事件 include three theatrical productions inside the Millennium Theater; student-led presentations from fine arts-oriented Intensives and independent studies; performances by students in our 创造性的艺术 (private lessons) program; musical performances accompanied by the display of student artwork; and an 上学校 Art Exhibition. All of this in a school with only 500 students.

Because of our emphasis on and commitment to fine arts throughout all divisions, our students are admitted into top arts programs around the country; participate in youth symphonies; are accepted into competitive state, 区域, and local honor symphonies; and exhibit artwork in juried shows across the region.


  • PreKindergarten and Junior Kindergarten: Students meet several times a year with art and music teachers in classes called Intensives w在这里 a topic is explored throughout the week.
  • 幼儿园及一年级: Students attend two 30-minute Specials classes each week (such as art and physical education one week, 接下来是西班牙语和音乐). A concert and art show are presented annually to share their accomplishments and stories with families.
  • 二、三年级: Students attend specials for 55 minutes every three days. A concert and art show celebrate their studies and progress. Beginning in the second semester of 2nd grade, students have the option to join string ensembles.
  • 四、五、六年级: The 4th and 5th graders have art and music class in mixed-年龄 groups every three days; 6th graders also have art and music every three days.
  • 7年级 & 8: In the 7th grade, students take two semesters of either art, music, or theater. They take the third course in the fall of 8th grade. In the second semester of 8th grade, they choose an art to study in depth. Every semester in 7th and 8th grade ends with a Showcase of the 艺术, an evening program that shines a spotlight on student accomplishments.
  • 9 - 12年级: 上学校 students can take fine arts courses during one of three annual Intensives as well as three, 五周旋转. They also perform year-ending strings and choral ensemble concerts.

Strings concert by students in grades 3-8

世纪剧院 1715 S. 雷诺兹Rd.托莱多,俄亥俄州,美国

Strings instructor 塞西莉亚约翰逊 leads students in this annual performance.


世纪剧院 1715 S. 雷诺兹Rd.托莱多,俄亥俄州,美国


An appreciation for music starts as soon as children enter Maumee Valley as they are introduced to a variety of genres through singing, 听, 运动, 讲故事, 演奏乐器.


An appreciation for the 视觉艺术 takes Maumee Valley students on a journey of expression and 讲故事 as well as one of building skills and terminology.


从学前班到毕业, Maumee Valley students are immersed in the joys and disciplines of the st年龄.


Maumee Valley’s program for 创造性的艺术 provides students with the opportunity to take private music lessons during the school day and after school.

Meet the 美术 Department 教师









419-381-1313 x269



上学校, 中学, 较低的学校 Strings Teacher



Middle and 上学校 Art Teacher

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